Who Is Dennis Kucinich?
Posted: 2007-12-17
While Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) is widely ignored by mainstream television media, his ideas are much more in line with what the American people want. It's unfortunate that other Democrats poke fun at his height and appearance. You won't stop hearing about him over the Internet, a much more open place for politics. So why isn't Dennis Kucinich a front-runner? After all, he seems to be the truest Democrat. He brought a Cheney impeachment resolution to the House floor and plans on Bush next. Even as the mainstream media tried to spin impeachment, he was unflappable. You can even see ALL (none were edited out) of Dennis' responses at the 11/15/07 democratic debate. Don't stop here though, keep learning more for yourself.
Support Dennis Kucinich for President.
Check out Kucinich on the Political Compasshttp://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-2785434244970099392