Would you vote Kucinich-Paul 2008?

Posted: 2007-12-17

I personally support Dennis Kucinich but i can't help having serious respect for Ron Paul who i view as the Dennis Kucinich of the republican party. I was thinking about what if Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul teamed up. Now i know that there were rumors of this happening but i'm not here to report on that: i'm here to say why i think this should happen.

In an unbeatable election with a flawed voting system, hacked voting machines, widespread corporate media control, and questionable campaign tactics, we need to revive this dying democracy. These two candidates are the only ones i see capable of bringing us forward and bringing us together, as a country.

Some might say that their views are simply too opposing for this to be possible. If it came down to Dennis Kucinich vs. Ron Paul, no matter who wins, almost half of the people don't get the representation they want. Why can't we work together?

It is very simple why i believe these two should run with one another. America has become divided like never before between conservatives and liberals. Standing together behind these two would unite us as a nation. Running together means that they would have to settle their differences and opinions and work together to serve in everyone's interests.

Secondly, the media would not be able to ignore this. Undoubtedly, countless more people would support these two if only more people knew. This would be a great move for the both of them and their supporters. If you could, if they had a fighting chance, if they worked together, would you vote Kucinich-Paul?

Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul, please team up!